
30 Blogs To Help You Supercharge Your Productivity and Achieve Your Goals

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30 Blogs To Help You Supercharge Your Productivity and Achieve Your Goals
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30 Blogs To Help You Supercharge Your Productivity and Achieve Your Goals

Staying productive can be hard. There are good days and there are bad days. A lot of great productivity tips and hacks go unnoticed by most people. Without a solid mentor, it can be hard to figure out how to organize yourself to maximum efficiency.

This is where productivity blogs come in handy. Let someone else devise new strategies, workshop them, and then upload the results to the internet. If you know where to look you can access this advice and start applying it to your own career.

We’ve scoured the internet in search of the best blogs on productivity. From fringe ideas to tried and tested methods, there is something for everyone. Take a look through these suggestions to find a mentor that suits you best. If certain ideas aren’t meshing that well with your personality and work habits, give something else a try.

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what productivity hacks will work best for you but trial and error is the best way to find out. The ultimate goal of productivity is to produce more work, quicker, and hone your processes to be the best that they can be.

Here are 30 of the best blogs on productivity for you to try out.

Lifehacker Blog

1. Lifehacker

Lifehacker does one thing and that’s to share ideas on how to do anything better. The editors of Lifehacker write on a wide variety of topics but the best ones are work, money, and tech.

This isn’t just a website to help you work smarter, they help you to live smarter. There’s productivity advice on just about everything.

Under their “work” section they share tips on how to increase your productivity to get more things done. Everything is well laid out on the Lifehacker website so it’s easy to navigate your way around.

No matter what you want help with, they’ve got you covered both professionally and personally.

Dumb Little Man Blog

2. Dumb Little Man

Don’t be fooled by the name, the over 7000 contributors to Dumb Little Man are anything but dumb (and many of them aren’t even men!)

Since its inception in 2006, the blog has grown to cover many topics. The blog’s original goal was to share ideas on productivity, automation, and beating your goals. You’ll be able to find this advice under the business, money, and lifehacks sections of the website.

Their advice doesn’t stop there as the website covers topics such as relationships, dating, health, fitness, and languages. Bookmarking this website can help with every facet of everyday life.

Zen Habits Blog

3. Zen Habits

Zen Habits is different from the previous two blogs we’ve mentioned because they don’t cover everything. Instead, they’re focused on two things; simplicity and mindfulness.

The archives of Zen Habits are populated with expert articles on combating the chaos of modern life. It’s through minimalism, mindfulness, and Zen teachings that they share their blueprint for living and working in the modern world.

If you’re struggling to deal with the noise and fuss of your daily life, Zen Habits could be the right mentor for you. They’ll teach you how to stay grounded, stay focussed, and create a more minimalist lifestyle.

Tim Ferriss Blog

4. Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferris is one of the most prominent productivity gurus alive thanks to his book “The 4-Hour Work Week.” One of the best things about Tim Ferris is that he is everywhere. If you prefer to read then he has plenty of books and blogs available. If you’d rather listen to him he has one of the most popular podcasts of all time “The Tim Ferriss Show”

He is an achiever and he shares his knowledge of working harder and smarter on his website. It’s here you’ll find hundreds of articles on productivity and associated topics. If you want to learn from the best, Tim might be the best mentor out there.

Most of his work is offered for free through his blog and podcast. Alternatively, you could purchase one of his books for a more structured experience.

Keep Productive Blog

5. Keep Productive

Keep Productive helps you to find the best productivity software for your needs. Modern technology has made it easier than ever to maximize your productivity. However, with so much choice available picking the right products can be time-consuming.

Their team writes detailed reviews of all the best software available. When you’re in the market for new tools, Keep Productive should be your go-to site to help you make your decision.

Alongside reviews, they also post helpful tips to help you get the most out of your chosen applications.

Becoming Minimalist Blog

6. Becoming Minimalist

Joshua Becker is the mind behind the Becoming Minimalist blog, where he shares advice on being more productive while using less. Minimalism is a popular movement that typically involves decluttering your home and workspace.

A lot of the articles focus on clearing out clutter at home through selling, donating, and recycling. Minimalism can also benefit your work life in a number of ways. You can apply minimalist values to things like your work desk, computer desktop, and folders.

By simplifying your processes you can increase your productivity because your mind will be more focused and less prone to distraction.

Todd Henry Blog

7. Todd Henry

If you work in the creative industries then Todd Henry is the productivity guru you should hitch your wagon to. His podcast “the Accidental Creative” has over 10 million downloads. He focuses on teaching creatives to be leaders, give things their best effort, and how to be authentic in their work.

On his blog, he shares articles that are focused on productivity specifically for creatives. You’ll learn his best tips on how to become prolific at what you do.

He interviews many creative people through his podcasts and the show notes are repurposed as blogs if reading is your preference.

Productivity Land Blog

8. Productivity Land

Productivity Land is a useful review website that can help you pick the right software for your needs. Their reviews section keeps up to date with new products coming to market and they give the software a mark out of 5. You’ll get information on how the product works, what the pricing structure is, and if it’s worth the price.

There’s also a dedicated section on Agile methodology that can help you learn how to structure projects. Agile is a type of project management that’s usually used in software development but it can be applied to all sorts of industries.

The Digital Project Manager Blog

9. The Digital Project Manager

The Digital Project Manager is an incredible resource for project managers, just like the name suggests. They offer things like mentorship, masterclasses, courses, and resources like templates. The website is all about digital systems and workflows.

It’s useful for beginners and professionals alike and their blog contains lots of value. They share advice on being more productive and how to make your projects more efficient. There are how-to guides on starting your project, monitoring and controlling, and closing the project when it’s finished.

If you’re looking for guidance on project management, this is the website you should refer to. Take a look through their free blogs on methodologies, risk management, and productivity hacks.

Barking Up the Wrong Tree

10. Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Eric Barker’s blog Barking Up the Wrong Tree wants to help you be “awesome at life.” He must be doing a good job because he’s attracted over 300,000 people to his email list and debuted at #2 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller list.

His simple blog is a collection of articles on the same topic – how to be awesome at life. This isn’t just about getting organized at work. You’ll learn how to set goals and exceed them.

It’s life lessons that everyone needs to know and can be easily applied to your lifestyle. Eric Barker is a great mentor for anyone who could use some guidance with their personal aspirations.

Get Rich Slowly

11. Get Rich Slowly

Money makes the world go round and this blog is the one that can help you make sense of personal finance. Let’s face it, we could all do with some expert money management tips. Being productive with your finances can help you to focus on other things. When things are under control it frees up your brainpower for other tasks.

Get Rich Slowly covers everything you need to know about getting into a money mindset from the basics to savings and investment advice. They have hundreds of articles on personal finance that can help you beat debt forever and work towards early retirement.

The Muse Blog

12. The Muse

The Muse is a career advice website that helps people to land their dream job. If you’re in the market for a new job, they can help you with your job search. There are articles on things like job interview questions, how to perfect your resume, and how to write a killer cover letter.

It doesn’t end with the job search, they also share ideas on how to be more productive at work. If you want to secure a promotion, they’ll teach you how to stand out and be a valuable asset to your organization.

Their productivity section is a must-read for anyone who wants to manage their time better and get more organized at work.

Asian Efficiency Blog

13. Asian Efficiency

Asian Efficiency is a blog all about productivity that wants to put your health first. After working 80 hour weeks for too long, founder Thanh started the blog as a passion project to help others avoid this kind of crunch. He’s gone on to coach over 15,000 people and shares plenty of advice to help people be more productive.

The team at Asian Efficiency has done all the hard work for you as they’ve looked through as many resources on productivity as they could. Now they present the topic with the understanding that productivity is different for everyone.

It’s a personable approach that has tips, tricks, and hacks for every person.

Be More With Less Blog

14. Be More With Less

Be More With Less is another blog all about minimalism and how to apply it to your everyday life. Minimalism is achieved through decluttering your home, simplifying your life, and slowing down. Modern life is hectic and it’s easy to get overwhelmed which is where minimalism can really help.

Minimalism can help you to reduce stress, save money, and focus on the things that really matter. You can apply many of the same principles to your work life to help you create a more productive career.

Influencive Blog

15. Influencive

Influencive is a website that aims to share unconventional advice on matters like self-development, business, and marketing. They also interview influential people to gain insights into how people work effectively.

Some of the information on the website is quite advanced for newbies to the subject of productivity. They have information on important productivity topics such as choosing the right tech stack. If you want to learn from the best in business, Influencive has everything you’ll need to succeed as an entrepreneur.

James Clear Blog

16. James Clear

James Clear is someone you may already be familiar with thanks to his worldwide best-selling book Atomic Habits. He’s an advocate for habit-building as a way to increase your productivity and achieve your goals. As well as habits he writes about building processes to maximize your potential and how to do more with less time.

Take a look at his blog for free articles on a variety of different ideologies and practices. He and his team take existing ideas and workshop them to make them even better. It’s a great way to fast-track your productivity by using tried and tested methods.

Lifehack Blog

17. Lifehack

Lifehack, not to be confused with the Lifehacker blog we mentioned earlier, was founded by Leon Ho. Through this blog, Leon tries to teach his students about overcoming struggles and living their life to the fullest. Alongside masterclasses and courses, he gives away a lot of wisdom for free.

The blog is split into multiple categories including goal getting, success mindset, and staying motivated. These helpful topics delve deep into productivity and can help you with your work life.

Aside from work-related articles, Lifehack places a strong emphasis on health, fitness, and mental wellbeing. It’s easy to overlook but looking after yourself is key to staying productive.

Marc and Angel Hack Life Blog

18. Marc and Angel Hack Life

Marc and Angel are popular life coaches who know all there is to know about productivity. On their website, you will have access to over 900 articles on topics like happiness and personal development. They’ve been sharing their secrets online since 2006 and have amassed 200,000 subscribers to their email list.

Forbes considers their website to be “one of the most popular personal development blogs.” They’re the experts you need to know if you’re looking for productivity hacks as well as advice on being happier and healthier.

Optimal Living Daily Blog

19. Optimal Living Daily

Optimal Living Daily is best known for its highly popular podcast of the same name. The premise of the show is to find and read out the best blog posts on topics such as productivity, minimalism, and personal development. If your preferred method of learning is audio, then this podcast could be exactly what you need.

If you prefer to read then you’ll find a lot of interesting articles in the blog posts hosted on their own website. On the blog, they answer audience questions and fill their articles with lots of useful information.

Of course, you can always ask your own questions and get highly specialized advice.

The Art of Manliness Blog

20. The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness is the only bookmark you’ll need as a man (I’m sure women can bookmark this too – they just target the male demographic). The articles shared cover every aspect of a man’s life from looking good to feeling good. You can learn how to get disciplined in work and fitness with their practical, actionable advice.

It’s grown to become one of the most prominent men’s interest websites on the internet. For good reason as well, they write intelligent, thought-provoking articles that any man can benefit from.

The Selfish Mother Blog

21. The Selfish Mother Blog

The Selfish Mother Blog is a crowdsourced information hub written by mothers for mothers. It is not about raising kids, having a family, or being a housewife. It’s about sharing knowledge with other like-minded people from all across the globe.

Anyone can write for the Selfish Mother Blog and there are no barriers to entry. What people write is what gets posted, there are no pesky editors diluting content. The website has an unconventional design, preferring to split the content into boxes so they can fit Instagram.

If you can get past that, there’s a lot of useful wisdom from women who have lived all sorts of lives.

Thought Catalog Blog

22. Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is an online publication that writes for the youth. It’s a vast resource built to help young people to live life more freely. They don’t shy away from the hard topics because they understand that people grow through adversity.

When it comes to the articles that are shared on Thought Catalog (by over 20,000 writers) they write about all areas of life. For young people who are coming-of-age, there are articles on how to be productive with your studies and work. They also teach people how to prioritize their mental and work with passion.

Thrive Global

23. Thrive Global

Thrive Global has a simple but lofty mission – to end burnout culture. Their strategies have helped thousands of businesses and their employees work smarter. As many as 95% of employees report an increase in productivity.

Stats like that mean Thrive Global is one of the premier destinations for businesses to learn new productivity hacks. Their blog has hundreds of free articles available about new cloud based tools and methodologies on productivity.

You’ll learn how to reach new levels of productivity by incorporating micro-steps. They’re passionate about teaching people how to disconnect from work and still be able to achieve their tasks. It’s a business-led approach, so team leaders and managers will find this website particularly useful.

Curious on Medium

24. Curious on Medium

Many of the internet’s most prolific writers choose to write on Medium instead of creating and maintaining their own blog. On the Medium platform, there are hundreds of publications covering all sorts of topics. Curious is one of the most popular and they share articles on “time-tested ideas.”

Writers submit their pieces on productivity, mental health, and wellbeing. Most articles are written from a personal perspective with clear takeaways and practical advice.

Curious is a great publication to learn from people who are putting their advice into practise. The stories they share explain exactly how they figured things out.

Forge on Medium

25. Forge on Medium

One other publication you should be aware of is the Medium-owned Forge. It’s their personal development blog and the editors are very particular about what they post. They only accept the very best articles which means their output is less than Curious, but the advice is guaranteed to be high quality.

Alongside expert articles on productivity, you can find career advice and stories on mental and physical wellbeing. Forge articles are research-heavy and backed by science. Some of the authors are industry leaders, making Forge one of the best publications on the platform.

NOTE: Medium is home to a lot of authors. Not all of them submit their work to publication. If there is a topic you are particularly interested in, try the search bar to find even more articles.

Mindful Productivity Blog

26. Mindful Productivity Blog

Sarah Steckler’s website, Mindful Productivity Blog, is a conscious approach to productivity that focuses on avoiding burnout. She created this idea of productivity that recognizes your unique human attributes.

Things like your state of mind, your natural energy capacity, and outside factors can cause your productivity to slow down. By putting Mindful Productivity’s advice into practice you’ll learn how to work around your natural limitations.

She’s an excellent mentor and luckily for us, she gives away her advice for free through the Mindful Productivity Blog. Take a look through to learn new ideas on an old subject.

A Life of Productivity Blog

27. A Life of Productivity

A Life of Productivity is the home of Chris Bailey’s articles on all things productivity. After graduating from business school he turned down a number of job offers in order to focus solely on the subject. He would read books, watch videos, interview specialists, as well as put himself through experiments.

He did all this so that he would be able to understand new ideas and present them to a new audience. His website and experiment took off and he’s even teamed up with Penguin Random House to publish books. Now he’s a leading expert on the subject and all of his advice is available for free on A Life of Productivity.

Productive Flourishing Blog

28. Productive Flourishing

Productive Flourishing has plenty of articles on its website that can help you be more productive. One of the best features is the free planners they have available. Download these and start your journey of getting more organized at home and at work.

The planners are the pride and joy of Productive Flourishing but there are other productivity ideas here as well. You can join their academy to become a better leader or hire the team as coaches or consults. Or you can simply check out their blog and learn all about their productivity ticks.

Productivityist Blog

29. Productivityist Blog

The name is quite the mouthful but it’s an accurate description of the blog. Productivityist has put together the best tips and tools that everyone can use. They’ve been featured by Lifehacker, 99U, and The Huffington Post, so they’re a genuinely useful resource on the subject.

What exactly is a productivityist? Well, they describe it as someone who is a “productivity enthusiast” which is exactly what they are. They have a blog and podcast full of information on productivity ideas, tools, and hacks. Take a look through their blog for inspiration on how to get more done.

Authentically Del Blog

30. Authentically Del

Delaney (or Del) does productivity a little bit differently. She wants to reframe how we think about productivity and avoid the mindset that you have to be productive all the time. The word she uses is “authentically” which means making sure you switch off and get enough rest as well.

Authentically Del has articles on how to do exactly that – be productive while making time for your mental and physical health. If you do too much, too quickly, there’s a very real risk you will burn out and you’ll see your productivity drop from 100 to 0 very quickly. By using Del’s advice you will make sure you can maximize your productivity and get enough “me time.”


There we have it, 30 blogs on productivity for you to choose from. Many of them take different approaches to the idea of productivity so take the time to decide what best suits your needs.

Don’t just assume that productivity is working 24/7 and not making time for yourself. While that might sound productive on paper, you probably aren’t doing your best work. For a lot of people, productivity is about doing more in less time. For others, it’s being able to wrap up their day by 5pm knowing all their work is complete.

Consider what your goals are as well as your strengths and weaknesses. Different people will respond to different ways of working, it may take some time to find the perfect setup for you. Choose a mentor who resonates with you. Listen and learn from them and start being more productive today!


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