Make Payroll Pain-Free with Teamly
Eliminate payroll hassles by using Teamly’s all-in-one solution to track time, monitor worker activity, and calculate payroll … so you can spend less time on admin work and more time on world domination. Or, um, planning and strategy :)
Even better, Teamly helps you control costs and improve budgeting. With its user-friendly reports, you can view project costs and labor expenses in real-time -- so you can keep a close eye on your budget and act fast if costs rise faster than anticipated.
Accurately Keep Track of Workers’ Time
Teamly’s built-in timer tracks time worked to the second … so you can rest easy, knowing that employees’ digital timesheets are meticulously accurate.
Generate time tracking reports, viewing the number of hours your team’s worked for a specific week, month, or year … so you can create realistic estimates for the future.
Track time spent on client work separately from internal projects. Teamly keeps track of workers’ hours per project … making it easy to submit accurate invoices to clients.
View the start and stop times of everyone on your team, as well as workers’ break times … so you can make sure employees comply with mandatory work hours.
Calculate Payroll Quickly & Easily
Say goodbye to inaccurate manual tracking systems … with Teamly, it’s a breeze to correctly calculate payroll.
Calculate payroll by day, week, month, or a custom date range with just the click of a button … so you can easily pay workers what they’re owed using your existing payment schedule.
View financial reports for an in-depth look at how labor expenses are allocated across your entire team … so you can make more informed employment decisions.
Set individual pay rates for every member of your team using Teamly’s user-friendly Admin panel … so each team member is accurately paid their correct hourly amount.
Optimize Productivity with Employee Monitoring
Make sure employees stay on task (rather than social media!) with optional activity screenshots.
Monitor remote workers by viewing screenshots to see what apps they have open and which URLs they’re visiting … so you can keep an eye on employees -- even from a distance.
Increase profitability with activity monitoring. According to an MIT study, when workers know they’re being monitored, they act more efficiently … resulting in 7% higher profitability.
See if work’s on the right track, so you can quickly jump in and course-correct when necessary … rather than wasting time and money on an end result that’s disappointing.
Control Costs Better with Teamly
Teamly helps you keep project costs in check, while making budgeting even easier.
Track labor expenses in real-time with project dashboards, so you can make sure projects are completed within budget … rather than racking up way more hours than you planned for.
Improve budgeting estimates by viewing labor costs from past projects … so you can better plan for future projects and estimate their costs more accurately.
Limit billable hours by choosing the maximum number of hours each worker can bill on a weekly basis … so you maintain tight control over your labor expenses.
How Teamly Time Tracking Works
Turn the time tracker ON. To get started, team members simply choose the project they plan to work on, then turn on Teamly’s time tracker.
Teamly tracks workers’ time and takes optional activity screenshots. Teamly accurately tracks time while taking screenshots, so you can see what workers are spending their time on.
Turn the time tracker OFF. Once the tracker is off, Teamly stops tracking workers’ time and capturing screenshots.
Monitor project expenses in real-time. Visit the project dashboard to view labor costs at a glance … so you can keep a close eye on your expenses.
Process payroll on your schedule. For maximum convenience, Teamly lets you calculate what workers are owed by the day, week, month, or even for a custom date range.
And that’s it! As you can see, it’s incredibly easy to track time, monitor employees, control costs, and process payroll using Teamly.
Maximize Team Productivity With Teamly
Get Teamly For FREE Today
To start using Teamly right away, create your FREE account by clicking the button below. Then download Teamly to your computer, or use the browser-based version from anywhere on the planet with an internet connection.
Yes. To track time, Teamly needs to be open and workers need to turn time tracking on. However, Teamly will accurately track team members’ time, no matter which application they’re working in.
No, Teamly doesn’t monitor screen usage unless workers have Teamly open and time tracking turned on.
Teamly safely stores activity screenshots in the cloud.
We take security very seriously, which is why Teamly uses 256-bit encryption and other advanced security features to keep your payroll data 100% secure.